Hi there!
I strongly believe that Design always fits into a larger system. Which is how I like to role with my work too. I'm a team player, but I'm the one that gets the ball to the goal scorer. As a true generalist I've made it my goal to play on the best teams in the industry. Some of those teams include BUCK, Oddfellows, Ordinary Folk, and Giant Ant.
I strongly believe that Design always fits into a larger system. Which is how I like to role with my work too. I'm a team player, but I'm the one that gets the ball to the goal scorer. As a true generalist I've made it my goal to play on the best teams in the industry. Some of those teams include BUCK, Oddfellows, Ordinary Folk, and Giant Ant.
If you have a project that you need help with feel free to reach out to josheddesign@gmail.com